This week Pastor Jerry discusses the issues surrounding Immigration in today's world through the lens of biblical principles. Speaker: Pastor Jerry Clonch Series: Hot Topics Message: Immigration
Sermon NotesA general guideline of how Christians should view politics within the lens of faith
Sermon NotesThe sermon this week examines one of the most important questions Jesus asks: "Who do you say that I am?" Jesus' life, teachings, and resurrection remain central to human life and spirituality. Series: Questions Message: Who Do You Say I Am? Speaker: Jerry Clonch
Sermon NotesThe Important Questions That Change Everything - Part 3 A look at Jesus' question to Peter after he had failed Jesus and how that is applicable to our lives
Sermon NotesIn this message Pastor Jerry explores Jesus’ question “do you want to get well?” by taking a look at the story of the paralyzed man lying by the pool of Bethesda.
Sermon NotesA message about the importance of each of us knowing and being willing to share our stories.
Sermon NotesA reminder that missions was Jesus' last instructions and still desperately needed.
Sermon NotesThis week Pastor Jerry highlights the profound journey that Mary the mother of Jesus experienced after the Christmas story. We take a look at how her wounds helped develop her into a steadfast follower of Jesus and how we can follow her example.
Sermon NotesMary serves as an example of trusting God despite what our circumstances are. She was a young mother, far away from home, in the rudest of circumstances, and yet she still had an incredible trust in God.
Sermon NotesHow Mary serves as an example of radical faith in God even when the impact on her life could have be incredible.
Sermon NotesA lesson in the importance of not only receiving God's grace, but also the importance of extending it to others
Sermon NotesThe importance of not just reading God's Word, but also applying it to our lives without exceptions
Sermon NotesThis week Pastor Jerry breaks down part of Paul’s letter to Timothy with three traits essential for finishing strong in faith.
Sermon NotesIn the first week of our new series we take a look at the the book of 2 Timothy for lessons on how we can flesh out our faith in authentic ways.
Sermon NotesHow Hosea's unwavering love for Gomer no matter how many times she strayed represents God's unwavering love for us no matter how many times we walk away
Sermon NotesIn our second week looking at the life of Hosea the prophet Pastor Jerry highlights how the unfaithfulness of Hosea’s wife mirrors the unfaithfulness of the Israelites towards God. While Hosea’s life serves as a living picture of God’s heartache towards our unfaithfulness it also shows us His unending desire for forgiveness and grace.
Sermon NotesHow Hosea's love for his unfaithful wife Gomer is a parallel for God's love for us.
Sermon NotesFollowers of Jesus are invited to take care of everything that God has blessed us with, including our finances.
Sermon NotesGod gives all of us spiritual gifts to use. What are spiritual gifts and how can we develop them to have the greatest impact in the world.
Sermon NotesThis week we learn who the Holy Spirit is, God's personal presence within us, and how he transforms our lives. This week we explore practical ways to live a Spirit-filled life and experience His power in everyday moments.
Sermon NotesHow to live a life that reflects being filled with the Spirit
Sermon NotesJesus calls us to do more than just follow him, we are also called to tell others about him
Sermon NotesThis week Pastor Jerry walks us through the letters of the new testament. These books are letters, mostly written by the Apostle Paul to several of the early churches and associates of his. Others are written by early church leaders. They are all intended to address certain issues developing in the early church.
Sermon NotesThis week is a quick overview of the major and minor prophets of the old testament. Making sense of when and where each of their ministries took place and who they were speaking to.
Sermon NotesA look at the three biblically given responsibilities to every man
Sermon NotesFor all those struggling with communication breakdowns in their families, a message about biblically based steps for healthy communication within families
Sermon NotesWhat does the bible have to say about teaching our children respect for authority? What does the bible say discipline should look like?
Sermon NotesA message about the basic biblical principles for marriage.
Sermon NotesLearning from the life of Peter, how even when we fail epically, we’re never beyond the point of grace.
Sermon NotesA look at the life of Thomas, the disciple known as "the doubter" and how our questions are not unwelcome as we so often believe.
Sermon NotesJesus helps us move beyond a life of rejection, this is evident in how he interacted with Zacchaeus.
Sermon NotesStudying the impact Jesus' resurrection had on three of his closest followers
Sermon NotesA message about how to improve our home and family situations by deepening our relationships with God.
Sermon NotesThe Bible gives us a few examples of great sacrifices. This message looks at the story of Abraham and Isaac to make sense of why God would ask these sacrifices of us.
Sermon NotesAnswering the question of whether God is unjustly harsh with His punishments.
Sermon NotesExploring the character of God by studying both the Old and New Testaments.
Sermon NotesHow to apply the model of spiritual mentoring given by Elijah and Elisha in our lives.
Sermon NotesA lesson from the life of Elijah on how to handle when we are emotionally overwhelmed by the events in our lives.
Sermon NotesThree lessons we can learn by looking at how God used Elijah to definitively prove His supremacy and divinity to the Israelites on Mount Carmel.
Sermon NotesLearn the 3 qualities that help us build a foundation for living a life on fire for God by studying the life of Elijah.
Sermon NotesHow to not resist the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Sermon NotesDiscussing two of the most important questions to the Christian Faith, this week is "Who is Jesus?"
Sermon NotesIn order to embrace a deep and wide life with Christ, we also have to count the cost. Let's count the cost together so we can be a deep and wide people with Christ.
Sermon NotesAs we approach the transition into a new year, what if we focused on taking the gospel message wide, to our neighbors and beyond?
Sermon NotesAs we approach the transition into a new year, what if we focused on going deep in the presence of God?
Sermon NotesA Christmas series focused on who the Christ Child is
Sermon NotesA Christmas Series Focused On Who The Christ Child Is
Sermon NotesA Christmas series focused on who the Christ Child is.
Sermon NotesA Christmas Series Focused On Who The Christ Child Is.
Sermon NotesDavid makes a bad choice because he puts himself in a vulnerable position. Learn three ways we make ourselves vulnerable.
Sermon NotesYou can subscribe to any of the podcasts below using either iTunes or another MP3 software application.
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